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New Patient Center

Our "Feel Good Again" Program

PAs our patient, you will receive training in those things you can do at home to get feeling good again.  This program includes: exercises, stretches, and ergonomic education to apply to your daily activities.  Our goal is to not only get you well, but to keep you well.


Patients will generally be provided with their first treatment at the conclusion of the appointment. This will include spinal adjustments, physical therapies, and/or soft tissue therapies. 



4517 Market #1 Ventura, CA


Report of Findings

Following your exam, your doctor will review your medical history, exam, tests, and x-rays; then he will meet with you to give you a Report of Findings.  At this time, he will tell you, specifically how he is going to       help you.

X-Ray Studies:

X-rays are not always necessary, though your specific condition may require x-rays to give us a full evaluation of your condition, and to rule out more serious conditions.  X-rays can also help in developing the most effective treatment plan for you.


After your consultation, Dr. Harer or Dr. Mortensen will perform a complete examination; including orthopedic and neurological tests.


Next you will see Dr. Harer or Dr. Mortensen and discuss your health related problems and concerns, as well as how to specifically tailor your care to help you feel good again.

Patient Forms:

When you arrive at our office, you will be greeted by our receptionist and welcomed as a member of our family.  You will be invited to complete a few forms that will give us information about yourself and your condition.

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